Sunday, August 11, 2024

Past Present Future by Rachel Lynn Solomon

Book: Past Present Future by Rachel Lynn Solomon

Rating: 4 stars

Review Writer: Vihaan J

    “Past Present Future” is a heartfelt sequel to “Today Tonight Tomorrow” by Rachel Lynn Solomon. This story follows Rowan and Neil, high school rivals turned lovers. It follows their journey into their first year at college in different cities. Rowan is in Boston, attempting to become a novelist, while Neil is in New York, trying to navigate his mental health issues. Throughout the story, we see how their relationship is tested through new life challenges. One thing I liked about this book was the characters Rowan and Neil. They were both relatable in their unique ways as they were adjusting to college life. I enjoyed reading about Rowan finding her voice as a writer and Neil’s in-depth mental health battle. However, there was one thing that I didn’t like about the story. Some parts of it were very repetitive, especially their doubts about their relationship. I also wish there were more resolutions to some of the other side plots in the story. Overall, I would recommend this book to older teens who enjoy personal growth stories.

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