Friday, November 19, 2021

One of Us is Lying by Karen M. McManus

Title: One of Us is Lying by Karen M.  McManus

Reviewer: Louisa, grade 8

Rating: 5 stars

One of us is Lying by Karen M. McManus is a thrilling novel filled with suspense and shocking plot twists. This mystery is centered around four high school students that have never before had anything to do with one another; Bronwyn, who will most likely get into Yale at some point, Cooper, whose life is all baseball, Addy, the perfect prom queen, and Nate, Bayview High School’s resident bad boy. These seemingly unrelated teens get drawn together in the face of a murder investigation where they are the suspects, and while secrets are uncovered and truths are revealed, they start forming an unlikely friendship.

I really enjoyed reading this book because it kept me interested the whole time, and as new developments shocked me, it got more intriguing. It was also easy to understand and relate to the characters and their conflicts. The whole plot is very believable, and it is full of subtle clues and red herrings that turned me in every direction possible while reading it. As well as spinning a mystery, Karen M. McManus incorporates real-world problems in our society, such as substance abuse and homophobia, into her book. This helps make the story even more real and engaging because the characters have real problems and conflicts that make it easier to connect to them. 

Overall, this book was excellent, with a suspenseful plot that makes it a real page-turner. I would highly recommend it to anyone looking for an exciting mystery or just a good book in general.  

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

The Gilded Ones by Namina Forna

Book: The Gilded Ones by Namina Forna

Reviewer: Yasmin, Grade 11

Rating: 5 stars


This is the first book of an ongoing series; a mystical take on the Salem witch trial following the story of a girl named Deka as she battles both the people around her and the monsters of her world. In a society reminiscent of old Salem, with similar expectations of women’s characteristics and purity, Deka faces difficulties in the face of her society’s close minded expectations that have been drilled into her since childhood. In Deka’s small town, every girl’s dream is to go through the ritual of purity, where they officially step into adulthood. This is Deka’s only hope for acceptance in her town, where many discriminate against her due to her mixed heritage. However, on the day of the ritual, her village is attacked by demon-like creatures that have been ravaging the entire country. In an effort to survive, Deka reveals some miraculous- and condemning- abilities. Before she knows it, she is found guilty of witchcraft, imprisoned, tortured, then whisked away by an agent from the capital city, and her life is turned upside down. This story is a never-before seen take on one of the most infamous events in American history, and takes multiple unexpected twists and turns, keeping you guessing the whole time. The world building is well done and complex, and I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for something unique in the fantasy genre as well as dystopian, as it explores various social issues in a high tension, fantasy world.