Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Dance of Thieves by Mary E. Pearson

Book: Dance Of Thieves by Mary E. Pearson

Rating: 4 stars

Review writer: Bhavika

Dance Of Thieves is an intriguing, action-packed, and well-written book. It has everything from war ethics to romance to fantastical legends. The book introduces the character Kazimyrah of Brightmist, a thief who survived the streets of Venda since she was young, and became a part of the queen’s guard. Kazi is on a manhunt for a war criminal who committed atrocious crimes. On her secret mission, she encounters the Ballenger family and their heir - Jase Ballenger. On this secret chase of finding the criminals, Kazi may have left many disappointed, and broken the trust of many as well, while Jase may have unknowingly done the same, evoking emotions Kazi has hidden for the past several years. These characters have dynamic personalities, they are loyal to their kingdoms, as well as to each other, yet when conflict arises, they are left at a crossroads, figuring out where they fit. The book ended on a cliffhanger with enough to lead onto the next book, however it was not disappointing. This book is a part of a two-book series, being followed by Vow Of Thieves. Both of these books in my opinion are exceptionally good with several twists and turns. I can vouch for how this book has several heartwarming moments, being more than just about romance and war, but also several other sensitive topics like trauma, anxiety and grief. I liked how many parts of this book weren’t predictable, yet engaging enough to have me keep the pages turning. I would recommend this book for readers beginning to explore the fantasy fiction realm and romance novel enthusiasts.

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