Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Dare by Natasha Preston

Book: The Dare by Natasha Preston

Rating: 4 stars

Writer: Vihaan J

The Dare by Natasha Preston is a thrilling story about Marley, who lives in a town where seniors must complete these dangerous dares as a tradition. These dares start off as a little bit of fun, but they quickly begin to threaten lives. The book kept me hooked with its suspense and unexpected twists. Marley is a well-developed character, and peer pressure struggles make her more relatable. Additionally, the tension builds with each new dare, hooking you in and making you want to keep reading. One thing that I didn’t like was the parts of the book where the dares became unrealistic and the ending seemed too perfect. However, The Dare is a great book for fans of thrillers who also enjoy a bit of mystery. It is perfect for older teens looking for suspense.

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