Thursday, April 21, 2022

Ghost by Jason Reynolds

Title: Ghost by Jason Reynolds

Reader: Katherine, Grade 7

Rating: 4 Stars

Ghost by Jason Reynolds is a book about a boy named Castle (called Ghost) in middle school troubled with his past. A bad run-in with his dad puts his dad behind bars. That night was when Ghost learned to run. Ghost has always been a trouble maker until he spontaneously races Lu on a track team catching the attention of the team's coach. Coach eventually convinces him to join track. Despite this new motivation to stay out of trouble Ghost struggles with his ups and downs. I enjoyed the book. It kept you wrapped in the story and it didn’t drag out over long periods of time. It gives you insight into lots of characters' lives and not just Ghost’s. There are things you don’t see coming and it presents perseverance and strength. The book ended in a satisfactory way not leaving it perfect and not leaving you grappling for more information. Through the good and bad decisions, Ghost makes you are able to sympathize with and understand him. The way in which Reynolds had Ghost speak helps you understand his character and why he acts in the ways he does. The book isn't a read that would challenge most teens but it is engaging and interesting. If I were to rate this book out of 5 stars I would give it a 4.

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