Thursday, July 18, 2024

Faker by Gordon Korman

Book: Faker by Gordon Korman

Rating: 4 stars

Review Writer: Vihaan J

“Faker” by Gordon Korman is about a 12-year-old boy named Trey, who is part of a family of con artists. His father has a routine: they move to a new town, Trey enrolls in a school for the wealthy, makes friends, and helps his dad scam their parents. Trey thinks that his dad is right because nobody is getting hurt, but soon he starts to feel the weight of lying to all of his friends. Later, he begins to feel tension when he starts receiving messages, threatening to expose him. One thing I liked was the personality of Trey’s character. He faces the struggle of being loyal to his family or living a normal life. This ethical dilemma really makes me question what I would do in his place. Additionally, the friendships he makes at his school bring warmth and hope to the story. This plot kept me guessing the entire time, but I do wish the ending provided more closure about Trey’s future. Overall, “Fakfaker korm,aer” is an engaging read for teens who enjoy stories about personal growth. It is perfect for people who like humor and suspense as well.